From K-Sender to STS KR Warehouse

What should my K-sender/seller know and what to inform them before sending the package to Korea STS warehouse?

– They should make sure to double check the package shipping details are all correct

– If the package was delivered on a wrong address, the sender has to process the return/refund and send to our right address

– They should make sure all fees and dues are fully paid before dropping off the package

– It is important for them to inform you as soon as the package is dropped off. This is crucial for declaring your package’s delivered date

What is my Korean shipping detail?

Please sign up on STS website, go to ‘My Account’, and see ‘Korean Sea Shipping Details’.

I need help with Korean address input.

If looking for Address Line 1, please search: 경기 남양주시 별내3로 402

If the system cannot detect, it probably is using the old system for address software, you may try searching:

별내동 816

For Address Line 2, please paste this:

블루오션지식산업센터 지하2층 208호 – STS로직스

Please note your full address should look like this:

경기 남양주시 별내3로 402

블루오션지식산업센터 지하2층 208호 – STS로직스 [12097]

I need help with English version address input.

We do not recommend our clients to use English or Global version site when buying in Korea locally. We highly suggest you to use the official Korean site in order for your package not to get lost or mistakenly delivered to the wrong address. Global version site caters to global shipping.

If you would still want to push through a Global site, you may proceed at your own responsibility.

For English version address, please find the option of:

402, Byeolnae 3-ro, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do

Blue Ocean Knowledge Industry Center Basement Floor 2, Room 208 – STS Logistics [12097]

If this is manually input (not selection option), please copy & paste only the original Korean address on your STS account.

When and how can I drop off my package to K-warehouse?

Korea office is open at:

Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm

Public holidays are closed.

Please inform your courier to not leave the package outside. If there are no personnel to accept the package or if the office is closed, please inform to come back during office hours.

For delivery message box, you may use this message: 지하2층 208호 안으로 넣어주세요.

Package imported from outside South Korea?

STS do accept any package from abroad to our K-warehouse. Before sending your package to our warehouse, please make sure all fees and dues are fully paid. These include item fee/cost, delivery fee, importation fee and process, handling fees, and other fees from your package.

Packages have unpaid fees or dues?

Your package should be fully paid before dropping off to our Korea warehouse. If there are fees unpaid on your package, this will be rejected in Korea warehouse to avoid any conflicts and issues between STS and your sender.

Unsure delivery date?

If you are unsure of the delivered date of your package, you may leave it blank on the ‘To Declare’ tab until you receive a confirmation from your sender/seller of the date that it was successfully delivered.

If you missed the declaration of delivered date, declare your package still and select the earliest date you can select. You may track your shipping status on your dashboard after. The status will be reflected within office hours.

STS system will prioritise those declared correctly to avoid delays on the shipments of our clients & partners that declared their packages correctly.

Please note:

Undeclared/Late/Misinformation Packages will be given the Manual Rate (P350/kg) and be processed separately to those packages declared correctly. Meaning, this will be processed manually, if the package can still be traced and retrieved. (storage fee may apply)


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